
Tennis Banquet Set for Friday, Nov. 16

The annual banquet for Delta Boys’ Tennis will be Friday, Nov. 16 at Center Chapel church, 900 W. Royerton Road.

The banquet will start at 6 p.m.  Food is catered by Fazoli’s.  We will eat first, then have a guest speaker, followed by team awards, player speakers, and a season video.

Staci Slavin is the parent organizer of the banquet.  Parents who want to help with set-up can contact her.

Attached is the Banquet Reservation Form.  Reservations are due by Tuesday, Nov. 13.

We typically have 75-100 people at the banquet and would expect another nice turnout.  We look forward to seeing everyone to celebrate another outstanding season.

Banquet reservation form 2018 boys.doc